Whilst it’s important to emphasize the need for excellent flock management at all times, something that comes with experience and aptitude, adopting the correct housing techniques and equipment will set a firm foundation for success of your poultry venture.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

The following is a guiding checklist for poultry house construction:

“A poultry house should provide the birds with a comfortable environment and protect them from the extremities of the prevailing weather (rain, wind and sunshine).

“It should have adequate space for the flock to be kept in the house. The ideal stocking density is:

1. Layers: one square metre for 6 birds.

2. Broilers: One square metre for 11 birds.

“It should be open-sided to allow natural ventilation with an east-west orientation to minimise the amount of sunlight entering the house directly. Its not good for sun rays to strike directly into the poultry house.

“It should be rectangular in shape and have a wall not higher than three feet on the longer side. The widith should be at least 7-9 metres, but for the length you are only limited by your land. Avoid building poultry houses in a square form.

“The wall can be made from stones, iron sheets, timber, silver boards or bricks

“The rest of the side of the wall should have a chicken wire mesh. The wire mesh on the sides of the house should be of a small gauge to prevent entry of wild birds, dogs and rodents. This normal chicken mesh is not long lasting…..within a few months it rusts and gets off the house. its better to use a plastic quoted mesh...CONTINUE READING>>

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