A popular Ghanaian gospel singer has narrated how his wife miraculously conceived after robbers broke into his house. Akesses Brempong said after their marriage in 2011, they struggled to have babies four years into their union.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

As desperate as they were, they were counting on God for a miracle. The miracle readily came after they were robbed. Though he could not explain it, Akesse Brempong believes it was a miracle.

“One time Dicta [his wife] came to talk to me, and it left me broken. We are going around, doing the Lord’s work, but there is a need in your home. We go around praying for people, seeing some manifestations of the hand of God in their lives, but we have a need.

And I went to God in prayer, and the Lord said to me, “Tell your wife that when I turn her captivity over, she will be like a dreamer.” So I said to her, ‘This month you are going to conceive. I sense that in my spirit’,”

“She wasn’t driving then; it was late. So I had asked her that when she was coming from Obuasi and it was late, she should not drive. She should just pick up public transportation and come.”

“They took her phone, money, and even tried to pull out her wedding band, but it was stuck on her fingers so they couldn’t.”

“After examining her, the doctor kept insisting that she should do a pregnancy test. And she was distraught because it was an armed robbery, and there was a sprain in her arm. That is why my mother brought her there: “Pregnancy test with a sprain in the arm?”

“And that was how she discovered that she was eight weeks pregnant.” So it meant that when I gave the prophetic word the month before, she had actually conceived and entered another month…CONTINUE READING>>

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