Masturbation otherwise referred to as self gratification is an act that involves self stimulating one’s genitals. It is a disgusting act and as such, often condemned by people and in some cases condemned without any scientific backing. Some people believe that the more a person indulges in this act, the higher his chances of infertility.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

But how true is this claim? Many people believe that indulging in this act besides the religious and societal frown against it that it can also affect a person’s body and ability to give rise to younger ones, this claim is widespread and also rooted in the minds of many people. So, in this article, we are going to be separating the facts from the myths regards this statement or claim. Just sit tight and learn something new..

How Does Self Gratification Affect Fertility?

Contrary to popular belief that self gratification when it becomes compulsive can hurt a man’s fertility, it has been proven that, it has little to no effect on fertility. Males who had normal sperm concentration and viability also maintained it even with daily indulgence in this act.

So it has little to nothing to do with a man’s ability to impregnate a woman, it can have other effects such as leading to a sore private’ and also causing mental disassociation especially when one is addicted to it.

Besides the mental effects and it’s possibility of affecting a person’s romantic relationship, this act won’t affect fertility, though it can affect sperm quality temporarily and possibly make it harder for you and your partner to conceive, so men are advised to stop masturbating for some days while trying to conceive. But it doesn’t cause infertility. You can read more from the links attached below….CLICK HERE FOR MORE ARTICLE>>>

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