ODM leader Raila Odinga has stated that former President Uhuru Kenyatta asked him to talk to President William Ruto to resolve the crisis caused by the Gen Z protests.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

“Uhuru told me that I should talk to Ruto because if the country went down, then we have no other country,” Raila said.

The ODM party leader was speaking at the funeral of Mzee Chirchir Masit who was the father of exiled IEBC commissioner Irene Masit.

“It’s Uhuru who called me and told me to talk to Ruto because we have to secure the country and save it from burning,” Raila said.

President Ruto launches development projects in Kisii County Ruto: If there are counties that deserve affordable housing it’s Kisii and Nyamira Gunmen kill seven, torch lorry in attack at Kenya-Ethiopia border

The lorry that was torched during the attack at Elle Dimtu, Marsabit County.

Gunmen shot and killed seven people and torched a lorry they were using in an attack in the Elle Dimtu area of Moyale, Marsabit county.

The area is along the Kenya-Ethiopia border.

Two other people were injured in the attack that happened on Monday night, police said.

Eastern regional police commander Charles Naibei said they are yet to establish the motive.

“We lost five people on the spot and I am told there could be more casualties,” he said…CONTINUE READING>>

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