When faced with a person needing help, we have two options. To mutter something incomprehensible under our breath and walk away, or to help. It really does seem to come down to that.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

There is of course a tendency to help people we know well, such as family and close friends. But when we come across strangers, and homeless people in particular, we are often much less obliging.

Perhaps we’re scared, perhaps we think someone else will help them instead, perhaps we don’t think they really need the help or will use any charity we give them towards alcohol or drugs.

But whatever the reason, homeless people are among the most vulnerable among us — and certainly can often use a helping hand.

There is of course a tendency to help people we know well, such as family and close friends. But when we come across strangers, and homeless people in particular, we are often much less obliging…CONTINUE READING>>

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