Homa Bay Member of Parliament Peter Kaluma is now calling for the dissolution of the Azimio la Umoja One Kenya Coalition. Kaluma took to social media to declare that it is time for Azimio to be dissolved and for the coalition’s party members to part ways.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

“We need to disolve Azimio. We didn’t capture power as a pre-election coalition,” he said. He implied that the coalition members are struggling to agree on key issues, which is why he believes it is time for the coalition to break apart.

“We’re not agreed on critical issues. Let’s part ways and chart own path to power,” he added. He affirmed that the Raila-led Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) is the largest minority party and should reclaim positions that were given to other Azimio-affiliated parties.

“As ODM, the biggest minority party, we need to take back the positions which we donated to the other Azimio parties…CONTINUE READING>>

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