The High Court on Thursday suspended acting Inspector General of Police Douglas Kanja’s decision to ban anti-government protests in Nairobi.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Justice Bahati Mwamuye suspended the decision pending the hearing and determination of a petition filed by the Katiba Institute challenging the ban on the protests.

“Pending the inter-partes hearing of the Application dated 18/07/2024, a conservatory order be and is hereby issued suspending the National Police Service’s decision carried in the Press Release dated 17/07/2024 that was titled “Planned Public Demonstrations By Kenyan Youths On July 18, 2024” and which was signed by the Acting Inspector-General of Police, Mr. Douglas Kanja Kirocho CBS, OGW, in terms of its prohibition of any and all demonstrations within the Nairobi Central Business and its surrounding areas,” the order read in part.

Justice Mwanuye also barred the Inspector-General of Police and all other persons serving within the National Police Service, or acting in support of the National Police Service from applying or enforcing the ban on protest.

The High Court Judge further directed that the Acting IG issue official communication to all the officers of the NPS and the general public on the suspension of the ban on a date no later than Friday, July 19.

“The Acting Inspector-General of Police shall circulate or cause to be circulated official communication of Orders 2 and 3 above to all Officers of the National Police Service, and separately and under his hand to the General Public, immediately after the 1st and 2nd Respondents have been served, but in any case no later than by end of day of 19/07/2024,” the High Court judge stated.

Kanja suspended the protests on Wednesday saying that the police had received information that organized criminal groups were planning to use the protests to commit various forms of crimes, including looting…CONTINUE READING>>

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