High Court on Friday issued conservatory orders restraining the police from arresting businessman Jimmy Wanjigi pending the determination of a suit he filed against the DPP and Inspector General of Police Gilbert Masengeli over Thursday’s raid at his Mutaiga residence.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

High Court judge Justice Bahati Mwamuye directed that the businessman not be arrested, with a mention slated for August 16.

“Pending the inter-partes hearing and determination of the Application dated 08/08/2024, a conservatory order be and is hereby issued restraining the Respondents jointly and severally, their servants, agents, or third parties acting under the direction or authority of the Respondents from detaining, arresting, or restraining the liberty and freedom of movement of the Petitioner/Applicant, Jimi Wanjigi.”

In his affidavit, the businessman has accused the IG and the DPP of an array of issues, including forceful entry into his home and an attempt to unlawfully attempt to arrest him.

”I believe that the Respondent has no legitimate grounds in attempting to arrest me or link me whatsoever to the alleged discovered items or even searching my premises and/or preferring criminal charges against me and unless this Honorable Court urgently intervenes, attempts to arrest me shall be arbitrary and calculated to embarrass and intimidate me and otherwise cause me psychological suffering without just cause in law.”

He requested the court declare the actions of the DPP and IG unconstitutional as they seek to limit his rights.

Police had on Thursday launched a manhunt for Wanjigi for allegedly sponsoring anti-government protests.

Police sought to arrest the tycoon for allegedly funding the Nane Nane protests held on August 8, after allegedly being seen distributing money to youths on Limuru Road...CONTINUE READING>>

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