Wiper party leader Kalonzo Musyoka now says that he should not be subjected to applying for the running mate position in the Azimio-One Kenya coalition.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

This after the coalition’s council appointed a 7-member team on Wednesday to advise presidential flag bearer Raila Odinga in choosing a suitable running mate.

Kalonzo, speaking in an interview with KTN News, said that it is obvious he is the choice for the running mate position and should not be asked to apply.

“If we were to tell each other the truth and everyone in our team knows the right thing to do. I do not understand why anyone would ask me to apply for the position of running mate. Did Raila apply to be the flag bearer?” he posed.

He further stated that should Raila fail to pick him as the running mate, he will suffer a blow by losing on the majority votes fromt he Ukambani region.

“Truth be told, it will be difficult to access the votes in Ukambani,” he told KTN.

He went on to give assurance that he and Raila are politically potent to clinch the country’s top job adding that they had won in previous elections but they were rigged out.

“Whenever Raila and I run together, we can’t lose any election. I keep on saying that in 2013 we won and ended up to not win. Again in 2017 we won according to us but again we didn’t win. Now in 2022 I have said that I will support my brother Raila and obviously we will win,” he said.

The Azimio La Umoja-One Kenya Alliance tasked the advisory committee set up to aid in settling the contention around the presidential debate.

The team will consist of; Bishop Peter Njenga, Archbishop Zacchaeus Okoth, Senator Enoch Wambua, Michael Orwa, Dr. Noah Wekesa, Sheikh Mohamed Khalifa, and Beatrice Askul Moe…CONTINUE READING>>

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