1. Treatment of malaria....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Malaria is a common illness in this part of the world most especially in Nigeria.If you are unfortunate enough to have gotten it,with the intake of bitter leaf,it helps to cure malaria.

2.Cures skin condition

Skin conditions like acne,pimples,black spots, measles or any other skin disease can be treated by bitter leaf.The making of bitter leaf paste and applying it to the troubled areas of the skin will work magic.But be careful,if your skin reacts when certain things are applied on it,then visit the doctor before using bitter leaf.

3.Loss of Weight

The best way of losing weight is by eating bitter leaf. Bitter leaf helps in the burning of excess fats in the body. Eat it in it’s raw form or drink a glass of bitter leaf juice regularly.

4.Controls the amount of Sugar

If you are having troubles reducing the amounts of sugar you take,then you can work your way around this by just eating bitter leaf. Proteins, Vitamins and Carbohydrates found in bitter leaf lower the amount of sugar in the blood.This way, you will avoid diseases like diabetes and blood pressure.

5.Boosts Fertility

The secret to giving birth to a bouncing baby boy or girl is to take bitter leaf.It keeps the reproductive organs working well so there wouldn’t be any problems in getting pregnant….CLICK HERE FOR MORE ARTICLE>>>

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