Hassan Omar has officially taken office as the new leader following the recent dismissal of Malala by the National Executive Committee (NEC). Governor Cecily Mbarire, who chaired the NEC, announced the decision after a contentious series of meetings.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Omar, who was previously serving in a key administrative role, will now oversee the region’s governance amidst a backdrop of political turbulence. The NEC’s move to remove Malala came as a surprise to many, with reports suggesting a combination of governance disagreements and policy conflicts led to the decision.

Governor Mbarire addressed the media, emphasizing the need for stability and effective leadership during this transition period. “Our priority is to ensure that the region continues to move forward with strong, decisive leadership,” she stated.

Omar, in his inaugural speech, pledged to focus on key issues including economic development, education reform, and healthcare improvements. He acknowledged the challenges ahead and called for unity and cooperation from all sectors of society.

The transition marks a significant shift in the region’s political landscape, with both supporters and critics watching closely to see how Omar’s leadership will shape the future...CONTINUE READING>>

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