ODM chairperson Gladys Wanga has defended the move by party leader Raila Odinga to join President William Ruto’s government, saying it was meant to save the country from disintegrating(Star, August 14, p.24).....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Clearly, ODM is sharing power with the Kenya Kwanza government through the recent Cabinet appointments. But Raila has not joined Ruto’s government as a matter of fact. In what capacity? If you “join” government, you have a specific role or position.

Eldoret city status to woe investors and donors: Governor Bii(Citizen Digital, August 13). Why or how would Governor Koti Moja “woe” investors to Eld?

Kenyan scientists are studying a very strong powerful wind that transports moisture from the Indian Ocean through Kenya as it moves to Ethiopia and northern Africa(People Daily, August 14, p.12). You don’t write “strong powerful”. The two are synonyms.

Hope for country’s oldest media house as CEO vows rebirth(Standard, August 15, p.7). Good to hear. Intro:A promise of rebirth and renewed hope for The Standard has emerged with the recent appointment of Mario Gathoga as the new chief executive officer.Ugly writing.

A promise (of rebirth or whatever) doesn’t “emerge”. Promises are made. Write as you would speak. Use active, not passive voice. A new CEO has taken over at The Standard, promising to revive Kenya’s oldest media house.

Residents of Juja have frustration following a series of deadly hyena attacks(Standard, August 15, p.11). They are frustrated, not “have frustration”.

After enduring years of delayed construction, Siaya Stadium is expected to be opened at the end of this month(Standard, August 15, p.12). A stadium cannot “endure” delayed construction. What’s happening to writing?…CONTINUE READING>>

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