Nyamira Governor Amos Nyaribo on Tuesday survived another impeachment attempt by the Members of the County Assembly.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

He survived impeachment after the MCA failed to attain the impeachment threshold of 23 votes.

Some 22 MCAs voted for his removal from office, while 12 voted against his removal.

“The threshold needed to impeach the governor stands at 22.6, which is 23 and so the governor survives,” Speaker Enock Okero said.

Nyaribo was being accused of gross misconduct and breach of law.

The motion for his removal came one year after a previous attempt.

The governor had in October 2023 survived an impeachment after 18 MCAs voted to reject the motion against 16 who backed the bid.

The notice of motion was given by nominated MCA Evans Juma Matunda who wants Nyaribo removed from office on three grounds.

Matunda, who was nominated by the Wiper party, wants the governor kicked out over alleged gross violation of the Constitution of Kenya and other laws, abuse of office, and gross misconduct.

In last year’s impeachment, Nyaribo faced 12 charges— including alleged illegal recruitment of staff, failure to remit statutory dues, favouritism, and nepotism.

The then-motion mover, Esise Ward MCA Josiah Mang’era failed to convince the majority of the MCAs to vote in favour of the motion.

Mang’era alleged that Nyaribo had violated Article 8(1)(a)(b)(c) of the Constitution of Kenya, Section 33 of the County Governments Acts (2012) and Standing Order No.62 of the Nyamira County Assembly.

He was accused of bypassing the Assembly when he decided to suspend the secretary of the Nyamira County Public Service Board in the middle of active recruitment.

At the time MCAs elected on Nyaribo’s United Progressive Alliance (UPA) party, who are the majority, rallied together to thwart the motion at the last minute.

Last year, Nyaribo blamed his political adversaries for allegedly sponsoring the botched bid to remove him from office.

“There was a lot of external influence and we have evidence from people I beat in the gubernatorial contest, an MP and an aspiring governor…Six people raised money to persuade MCAs to start the impeachment process,” he said…CLICK HERE FOR MORE ARTICLE>>>

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