As per a recent report, executives from Google, Netflix, and OpenAI are planning a fundraiser for Harris in Washington, DC, later this month.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

A Business Insider report suggests that an important event is set for August 27, right as the US election campaigns gain momentum before the November finale.

As per the report, the organising committee includes policy leaders from Google, Netflix, and OpenAI, as well as high-ranking members from JPMorgan, McKinsey & Company, and the Omidyar Network, which was founded by eBay’s Pierre Omidyar.

The substantial support from the tech industry may be a calculated move to offset the endorsements that Republican nominee Donald Trump has received from prominent tech titans, including Elon Musk of SpaceX and Tesla, Peter Thiel, the co-founder of Palantir, the Winklevoss twins, John Paulson, and others.

Furthermore, Silicon Valley’s stance could be further influenced by Trump’s choice for vice president, Ohio Senator JD Vance, a former venture investor with connections to the IT and cryptocurrency industries.
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Amid accusations that Google is manipulating search results in favour of Kamala Harris over Donald Trump and the #cancelNetflix movement—sparked by Netflix’s $7 million contribution to a super PAC backing Harris—the Vice President’s campaign appears to be gaining traction in Silicon Valley.

When Joe Biden announced he was stepping down, LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman quickly showed his support for Kamala Harris.

Earlier, prominent Democratic donors hesitated to support Biden for a second term because of worries about his public mistakes and mental sharpness. But attitudes changed when Harris entered the race.

Soon after, Netflix co-founder Reed Hastings also endorsed Harris and donated $7 million to her campaign following former President Barack Obama’s endorsement.

On the same day, a new site called “VCs for Kamala” was launched, listing over a hundred venture capitalists who have pledged their support and financial backing for her, according to Business Insider.

According to the report, Josh Hsu, who was once Harris’s senior White House lawyer, and Rohini Kosoglu, a former vice president’s domestic policy advisor, would also be present at the August fundraiser...CONTINUE READING>>

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