Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) Party Chairperson Gladys Wanga on Saturday cautioned party members against engaging in succession politics.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Speaking in Homa Bay County, Wanga accused a section of ODM leaders of attempting to position themselves to take over the party, which is one of the few political outfits with a national outlook.

Wanga termed succession talks as premature and urged the party members to shift their stance and focus to the upcoming grassroots elections.

The Homa Bay Governor also called on ODM members to unite and help strengthen the party ahead of the 2027 General Elections.

“The African Union elections will be held next year, right now as we speak, Raila Odinga is the party leader of ODM. The party also has institutions,” Wanga stated.

“This is like discussing how to inherit a wife whose husband is still alive so we don’t want to get ourselves embroiled in that discussion,” she added.

According to Wanga, the discussion on Raila’s potential successor could derail the party’s opposition role of oversighting the government.

Wanga’s sentiments come a fortnight after Minority Leader in the National Assembly Junet Mohamed took a swipe at Wiper Party leader Kalonzo Musyoka for declaring himself the chief opposition leader.

Speaking during Treasury Cabinet Secretary John Mbadi’s thanksgiving ceremony held on August 29, Junet accused Kalonzo of imposing the new role on himself.

Junet claimed that he was the interim opposition leader following Raila Odinga’s quest for the African Union Commission Chairperson role.

According to the lawmaker, his position as the National Assembly Minority Leader puts him in pole position to take over Raila’s role.

“Currently, I am the opposition leader in Kenya because I am the minority leader and you can not take the role from me, those who want to work in the opposition should contact me,” Junet claimed….CLICK HERE FOR MORE ARTICLE>>>

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