This is a rare condition called PENIS CAPTIVUS. It happens when the muscles of the vagina forcefully clamp on the Penis holding it tightly, making it hard to pull out. It is a rare occurence, and has nothing to do with Witchcraft.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Most people say it’s a charm. The Yoruba’s call it “Magun”, but it is not a charm. Can it be Magun when it also occurs in other western Countries?

The BBC, has reported a list of cases where Penis Captivus occurred in a number of countries in Africa and Europe including Kenya, Zimbabwe, Germany, England, Japan, etc. Basically, despite being a rare condition, it has happened in most countries all over the world.

Most persons argue that it only happens in cases of infidelity, but according to the BBC reports above, there have been several cases of penis captivus occurring between married couples. Fortunately, the contraction relaxes itself in a short while and the couples do not need to turn up at the hospital.

According to the BBC, Dr Brendan Musgrave, a house doctor at the Royal Isle of Wight County Hospital once said: “I can distinctly remember the ambulance drawing up and two young people, a honeymoon couple I believe, being carried on a single stretcher into the casualty department,”.

So you can see that this condition where two lovers get stuck during sexual intercourse is not a charm or juju or magun. Also, it can happen to both married and unmarried persons.


It is a condition in which there is failure of relaxation of the muscles of the Vagina during sexual intercourse. The muscles hold tightly to the Penis and making pulling out very difficult.

It is known that during sexual intercourse, there is relaxation of the muscles of the Vagina of the females and enough lubrication (wetting) of the walls to allow the Penis to slide easily during intercourse. In Penis Captivus these muscles become rigid and become more of a Greedy holder rather than a Cheerful Receiver.

How does Penis Captivus Occur?

What happens during penis captivus is that: during sexual intercourse, the penis, which fills with blood during erection and grows in size, may continue to increase before orgasm is reached. Also, the vagina’s walls, which can expand and contract may pulse slightly during an orgasm.

Now, sometimes, the muscles in the vagina may contract more than usual. These contractions can reduce the opening of the vagina, and this reduction can then prevent a man from being able to remove or withdraw his his penis, especially when it is still erect or engorged.

What to do during Penis Captivus?

Penis captivus would not injure you or your partner. Once the man’s erection reduces, that is the penis stops being hard and becomes flaccid (falls), and once this happens, you would be able to remove the penis on your own. Likewise, the vaginal muscles would also relax and allow the vaginal opening to return back to its normal size.

  • Hence, when you are stuck together with your partner, You should:
  • Don’t do anything that can cause more harm to you or increase your discomfort.
  • Do not try to use force to pull yourself away from your partner.
  • Additional lubrication is not likely to provide any help with the situation.
  • Just try to be calm and allow the muscles relax on their own.

Taking deep breaths or making a jokes out of the situation or distracting each other can help relieve the tension and reduce arousal in the genitals.

If after a few seconds to about 10 minutes, you do not get any relief, call for emergency medical attention with your doctor or healthcare provider.

Causes of Penis Captivus

Not much is known about Penis Captivus because only a few cases have been recorded.
Penis Captivus can be caused by a number of possible factors. According to Healthline, one of them is a vaginal condition known as Vaginismus.
Vaginismus is a contraction of the vagina muscles that is so strong that the vagina closes itself. It’s rarely Occurs.

Most couples will only be stuck for a few seconds or some minutes. When this happens, what you need to do is to give yourself a break from the action. Take a few deep breaths, and the muscles will likely relax for you.

There is still paucity of data about Penis captivus cases, it is widely believed that many are hear says or rumors which makes it difficult to really substantiate. In the 19th century, two German gynecologists both published reports about two different couples that had to abstain from sexual intercourse due to her having strong muscle contractions which occasionally could lead to this rigidity (spasm).

In Africa, there aren’t enough records to fall back on to prove a significant occurrence of this condition. It has been reported in Zimbabwe, and more recently, in Kenya in 2016.

It is said that there is an increase incidence of the condition in Nigeria called ‘Magun’ by the Yoruba’s in the south west of the country, which is usually seen when the lovers aren’t married and the sex is outside wedlock. It is said that this is as a result of Powers from beyond which transcend the natural. See video below.

Magun according to the yoruba’s is a charm that literally translates as “do not climb.” During interaction with some yoruba folks, it was claimed that Magun has been used over the ages to catch a cheating wife or to put a promiscuous woman in check.

Some parents are known to put magun on their daughters to discourage pre-marital affair and ward off rapists. Thunder bolt is a love and a killer charm that is placed on a woman by her lover, husband, family members or in-laws.

In most circumstances, as told, the charm is put on a woman without her knowledge. A stick of broom or thread is usually placed on the floor for a woman to unknowingly walk over it. Once she works over the thread or broom stick, the charm takes its effect.

The next question is if Magun truly exists is there a scientific explanation?
Could the diabolical powers be reducing chemicals in the blood like Nitric Oxide which help in relaxation thereby causing Penis Captivus.

A lot of people still think Penis Captivus still only occur in those people who are cheating or as people say, ‘Caught in the Act’. These people believe that the husband uses a charm on the cheating wife and when she has an affair with another person they become stuck as a repercussion of their extramarital affair. But this occurs both in Married and unmarried partners alike.

Another entity which should not be confused with PENIS CAPTIVUS is Vaginismus, Vaginismus is involuntary spasm of the walls of the Vagina during sexual intercourse or insertion of some objects into the vagina, it usually causes painful sex and difficult penetration. This is different from Penis Captivus.

Vaginismus has causes which can be primary or secondary. Factors that contribute to primary vaginismus include anxiety, fear, chronic pain conditions, strict conservative moral education which can elicit negative response towards sex. Secondary causes involve infections, trauma during childbirth, it can also be psychological.

In Summary:

PENIS CAPTIVUS still remains a mystery and not much is known. It is a very rare condition. Most couples would never have a case of it, but should you experience it, Please, try to be calm. Do not panic and most importantly, do not try to force yourself away from your partner. You might end up hurting the two of you, which only worsens the situation.

Hopefully with the new case that has gained wide publicity it will stimulate research and study rather than the backlash it is receiving…CONTINUE READING>>

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