Pregnancy can be described as a journey that involves many changes especially in the body structure of women. Fruits are generally safe and important for the body but, not all fruits are safe for pregnant women during their first trimester. The first trimester can be described as the first 3 months of pregnancy.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>
This period is very crucial because the fetus organs develops during this period and a healthy fetal development goes hand in hand with good lifestyle habits that includes diet. In this article, the fruits you should avoid during the first three months of your pregnancy will be discussed.
1) Semi – ripe and unripe pawpaw: this fruit is abundant in latex which promote early contraction of the uterine. It can cause miscarriage. It also contains papain which can trigger early labour.
2) Grapes: grapes are often sprayed with pesticides which are not easily washed away and can cause health complications in the fetus. The skin of grapes can be difficult to digest. This can cause constipation.
3) Pineapple: Many individuals love this fruit because of its bright colour and taste. However, it contains bromelain. This enzyme may soften the cervix and cause early labour.
Other fruits such as : Avocados, Berries, Apples, Bananas, and Oranges are safe to consume during pregnancy…CONTINUE READING>>