Another prominent Kenyan has predicted tough times ahead for President William Ruto, foreseeing a revolution against him and his administration.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

This is former Chief Justice Willy Mutunga, who is also not happy with how Ruto is running the country and his his government is handling things.

He has cited hustlers, the people whose votes propelled Ruto to office, saying that they are already aware that Ruto lied to them in his campaigns.

Mutunga argues that Ruto has refused to keep his promises even after coming up with the Hustler Vs Dynasty slogan, inciting Kenyans on class lines.

“There is no doubt this campaign caught the imagination of the hustlers, Kenya’s working class. Now the hustlers have realised they have been lied to,” the former top judge writes in The Star.

“The middle classes know they have subsidised the dictatorships since independence through their acceptance of politics of division.”

For him, this calls for resistance against Ruto, by coming up with a new party which is what Kenyans will rally behind and abandon Ruto.

“Now it is the time to connect the links and continuities for resistance under the current situation,” he further writes.

“The best way to do that is to announce the birth of a movement and a political party that will midwife the new struggle against foreign interests and compradors.”

He warns that if this does not happen, Kenyans will continue to be under the rule of foreigners, who have taken over Ruto’s government.

He argues that Kenya is secretly under the rule of foreign powers, and technically remains a colony, even though Ruto is seen at the helm.

“Mau Mau comes back when you realise that the Motherland belongs to foreign interests. And that the country is still a slave plantation,” he says...CONTINUE READING>>

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