When you are in a relationship, it is not just the love and affection that keeps the bond alive. A close sense of intimacy and togetherness is what is needed for your relationship to blossom and prosper. Intimacy or intercourse is one of the key factors in every relationship. Lack of intimacy can often lead to unstable and broken relationships that are either difficult to mend or hard to revive back to normal.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

The closeness created and experienced during lovemaking strengthens emotional connection, bond, and commitment. It maintains a healthy level of intimacy, love, and belongingness. Because of these and many other reasons, it is important for couples to make lovemaking a top priority in their relationship. In order to spice up your bedroom life, here are 4 little things you can do to improve your bond with your partner during intercourse;

1. Communicate openly

First things first, it’s important to communicate openly with your partner about what you think could make them happy. Approach your partner when you’re in a relaxed environment, such as while laying in bed at night or cuddling on the couch, so that the conversation feels low-pressure and free of accusations. Ask them what they want and what they don’t want from you.

2. Make your bedroom a sanctuary

Your bedroom should be a place where you make love and sleep. Not a place where you do work, pay bills or talk to your family and friends on phone. Removing computers and other gadgets is important because they will only distract you and take away from your bonding time with your partner.

3. Take care of your health

No matter what accessories you’re bringing into the bedroom, if you’re not taking care of yourself outside of the bedroom, they might not accomplish your desired goal.

For this reason, it is important to take care of your health if you want to boost your relationship bond. Lifestyle factors such as diet, exercise, alcohol consumption, and smoking are among the things couples should work on.

4. Show your partner that you care

Flirting isn’t just about making love with your partner, it’s about demonstrating your overall interest and investment in the other person, which means that non-sexual behaviours matter, too. Think random acts of love, such as surprise flowers, candy, date nights or spontaneous vacations…CLICK HERE FOR MORE ARTICLE>>>

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