If you are pregnant and your due date is near it’s only natural to feel anxious about when labor will start. Perhaps you’ve heard rumours that its possible to speed things up by eating certain foods,such as eggplant parmesan,chili pepper,or pineapples.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Or maybe you’ve heard that you can kick start things by jogging around the block. Here is a list of foods you can consume to induce labour and bring you face to face with your little one a bit sooner;

1• Pineapple

Fresh pineapple contains an enzyme called bromelain which is rarely found elsewhere. Bromelainhelps soften the cervix and stimulate the smooth muscles,which is known to start labour.

2•Green papaya_Raw green papayas are abundant in the enzyme papin. Papaya leaves contain latex ,which acts as prostaglandin and oxytocin and can help start contractions. The more the papaya ripens ,the more papin is lost which is why consuming a ripened papaya will not have any effect when it comes to inducing labour.

3• Spicy food _ While it is quite common for expected mothers to eat spicy food to induce labour,it is something that mothers,to be should avoid if they want to have a natural and pain free birth.

4•Garlic _Garlic stimulates the bowels,helping empty them out which can help in starting labour. It is one of the most popular foods to induce labour.

5•Red raspberry leat tea _ Red raspberry tea,which is believed to tone and strengthen the uterus,as alsosaid to produce contractions in the muscles in the uterus. If you drink red raspberry leaf tea every day from your thirt5second week of pregnancy,you will reduce the chances of post term pregnancy.

5•Castor oil_ Castor oil extracted straight from the bean of the plant is one of the foods that induce labour quickly. Women have used castor oil to induce labour for centuries. Even though consumption of castor oil is safe ,it can cause vomiting and diarrhoea in rare cases,which can be very uncomfortable amid labour.

6•Cumin tea _ Cumin is a common aid in digestive tract tissues. It provides relief from bloating and helps start the menstruation cycle. It can also be used to induce labour. Add some sugar or honey to make it taste better if you do not like the taste.

7•Evening primrose oil _ Evening primrose oil is something that most midwives will recommend pregnant women who want to induce labour. The body converts a substance in the oil into prostaglandins. This helps in softening and diluting the cervix,resulting in induced contractions.

N/B: It is always advised to allow your baby to come out naturally,as it can shorten the time spent in the hospital and also the healing time quickens. However, if you are eager to induce labour ,be sure to speak to uour doctor about any method you choose…CONTINUE READING>>

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