When you’re HIV-positive, eating healthy is something you’ll have to pay special attention to. Because your body will be having changes, on medication and the disease itself.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>
In most cases you may experience extreme weight loss and some infections.
Another usual change can be fat distribution syndrome, which can cause body shape changes. Making some changes in your diet can improve your health.
Here are the foods to stay away from when you are HIV-positive and especially if you taking your medication very well.
1.Try to avoid raw vegetables, you can at least cook them.
2.Make sure you choose softer fruits like bananas.
3.Discipline yourself to stay away from acidic foods like oranges and tomatoes.
4.And if you need more diagnostic testing, just make sure you see your doctor immediately so that you can be safe and healthy at all times.
Good nutrition can be very beneficial to your health if you are HIV-positive. It also helps manage the symptoms and complications from the virus….CLICK HERE TO READ MORE ARTICLE>>>