According to the Macadamia By-Products Traders Association, macadamia shells, a crucial by-product, are widely used as fuel in boilers across many factories in the country.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Speaking in Thika, the association’s members, led by Dominic Muraya, warned that exporting macadamia with its shells would devastate these industries, leading to significant job losses, particularly among the youth employed in the macadamia value chain.

The ban on raw macadamia exports was initially introduced when global prices fell.

However, with prices now on the rise, the association argues that allowing the export of raw nuts would cripple local industries.

Martin Mburu, a supplier of raw materials for animal feed, echoed this concern, noting that the cost of animal feed is rising daily.

He attributed the increase to the export of key raw materials used in feed production, alongside raw macadamia.

In addition to job losses, the association warned that shifting from macadamia shells to firewood as a fuel alternative would lead to deforestation, undermining Kenya’s goal of planting 10 million trees and jeopardizing environmental conservation efforts.

The association has pledged to mobilize farmers to resist selling their macadamia to foreign exporters.

Last week, the Macadamia Nuts Association of Kenya (MACNUT) called on the government to reevaluate its policy of allowing the export of unprocessed macadamia nuts.

MACNUT members stressed that exporting raw nuts has caused significant financial losses for local processors, farmers, and suppliers within the macadamia value chain.

The lobby is pushing for the immediate reinstatement of the total ban on raw nut exports to protect the quality of Kenyan exports and ensure the sustainability of the macadamia industry….CLICK HERE FOR MORE ARTICLE>>>

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