The Brain remains one of the most important organs of the body. It helps in projecting almost every activity that is done by the body and it generally boost the functions of the body.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Without the brain, we are void of emotions, pain and a lot of other things and it is very rare for people to live without a brain. This is why you need to play your own important role in protecting and preserving your brain health by watching the foods you eat.

In this article, I am going to be talking about the best foods for the brain according to experts.

1. Walnuts

Walnuts are one of the common types of nuts seen around the world. It is commonly sold in Nigeria along the he road sides. Walnuts are recommended as one of the best nuts for the brain because it is rich in healthy fat oils, vitamins and minerals which helps in boosting memory and concentration as well as the processing speed of the brain.

2. Wild Blueberries

Wild blue berries might not be very easy to find in Nigeria but it is one of the richest fruits for your brain. This is mostly due to the fact that is rich in antioxidants and necessary vitamins.

They help enhance cognition, slow age related, boost mood, enhance memory and boost metabolic health. It also helps in boosting the ability of the brain to stay focused, organize thoughts, stay focused and manage emotions.

3. Pomegranate juice

Pomegranate juice is kind of a drink but it is a juice gotten from a food. Drinking a juice made from pomegranate is beneficial to the body, this is because it helps in preventing Alzheimer’s disease, this is mostly attributed to the fact that is a powerhouse of antioxidants.

4. Eggs

Eggs are one of the best foods for the body and also one of the cheapest source of protein. It has also been found to be quite beneficial to the brain because of high level of vitamins and important antioxidants which not only boost the brain health but general has a positive effect on the general well beings of the body.

Eggs upto two eggs every day provide you with enough choline which prevents a lot of brain related sicknesses which most adults suffer from.

It is also helps in lowering your risk of cognitive decline as you age…CLICK HERE FOR MORE ARTICLE>>>

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