A tragic saga has yet to riddle the National Treasury, whose staffer died under mysterious circumstances. Evans Chirchir, according to his family lawyers, disappeared on Friday, August 31.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>
The lawyers, tagged along by a section of the family members, appeared at the Milimani Law Courts on Tuesday, September 3, to file a habeas corpus when they learnt of their clients’ kin’s mysterious death.
“In light of those circumstances, we decided we would not proceed with the habeas corpus application and we came to the press. Ours is to inform the entire nation that this is an urgent matter that needs to be investigated expeditiously,” said Philip Langat, a counsel of the deceased’s family. The family, through their lawyers, claimed the Chirchir had expressed concerns about his security.
He was said to be in receipt of death threats over a multi-million shilling tender whose details the family did not disclose at the time of this publication.
“The circumstances surrounding his death are questionable and mysterious. The manner he was killed heinously by the criminals raises eyebrows. We called on the state agencies to expedite their investigations. He was found dead, and the family members confirmed when they voted for the Machakos Level 5 Hospital.
But before that, there were issues related to threats to the life of Chirchir. He informed his brother. The question is, were the threats related to the tendering process?” posed Felix Keaton, another lawyer of the family. Video; courtesy The family awaits the postmortem operation to establish the cause of death.
In a similar instance in which a state officer died around the controversy of a tender, S ergeant Kipyegon Kenei was found dead in his rented house in Nairobi in February 2020.
Until his mysterious death, Kenei worked in the office of then deputy president William Ruto. Surrounding Kenei’s murder was a multi-billion shilling fake arms tender which one-time Sports Cabinet Secretary Rashid Echesa was overseeing.
According to the detectives, Kenei was killed by powerful figures who then covered up their plot to escape responsibility. The officer seemed to stand in the way of his alleged killers, who were to benefit from the tender. He was, therefore, executed heinously….CLICK HERE TO READ MORE ARTICLE>>>