Democratic Action Party of Kenya (DAP-K) leader Eugene Wamalwa has announced that the Azimio la Umoja One Kenya Coalition is teetering on the brink of dissolution.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Speaking on Monday, Wamalwa expressed deep dissatisfaction with the coalition’s current direction, particularly criticizing factions within Azimio that have chosen to align themselves with President William Ruto’s administration. He characterizes this move as a profound betrayal of the coalition’s founding principles.

Wamalwa draws a stark analogy between the coalition’s current state and a marriage facing irreconcilable differences. He argues that Azimio’s collaboration with William Ruto’s government constitutes a betrayal of the highest order, likening it to infidelity in a marriage.

He suggests that the coalition has reached a point where divorce may be the only viable option, citing fundamental disagreements over the coalition’s direction and purpose.

Despite the gravity of his statements, Wamalwa notes that discussions are ongoing among Azimio coalition partners, including Raila Odinga’s Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party, in an attempt to resolve these issues.

However, he has made it clear that if these talks fail to yield a satisfactory resolution, a formal split within the coalition is a real possibility.

This announcement comes on the heels of Narc Kenya’s recent decision to issue a notice of withdrawal from the Azimio coalition.

On July 25, the party’s acting secretary general, Asha Bashir, cited “prevailing political developments” as the reason for their intended exit, despite earlier assurances from party leader Martha Karua about the strength of their relationship with Raila Odinga.

Originally formed to challenge President Ruto’s administration, the coalition now faces the formidable task of maintaining unity amidst growing divisions.

Wamalwa’s declaration adds another layer of complexity to the situation, especially in light of his announced intention to run for the presidency in 2027 under the Azimio ticket.

Wamalwa’s presidential ambitions have elicited mixed reactions within political circles. While some view his candidacy as an opportunity for fresh leadership within the coalition, others perceive it as a potential source of further division…CONTINUE READING>>

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