The Heart is one of the most important organs of the body. It helps in promoting all the functions of the body including the movement of nutrients and body around the system.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>
But just like every other organs of the body, the heart also starts to showcase sighs when it is either infected with a disease or is suffering from something. The only problem is that when the body starts to showcase some it’s signs, most people find it hard to notice as they see some of these signs in other common sicknesses.
In this article, I am going to be talking about early signs that your heart might be having issues and when to visit the doctor for proper check up.
1. Chest Pain
Most heart disease starts to show its signs through the pain it sends to be he memory. The heart starts to reflex some form of pain when they heart is getting weaker.
2. Chest discomfort
Naturally when a person starts to suffer from chest pains, the chest might give you some forms of discomfort which might occur over some time.
3. Shortness of breath
The heart is one of the major organs of the body and it is the major organ that helps the movement of oxygen through the blood and other organs of the body.
When the heart is suffering from some issues, it has a lot of role to play in the way you breath. There are high chances that shortness of breath are the common things that will occur.
4. Numbness and weakness in your arms and legs.
The heart helps the movement of blood to every organ of the body. This is why when your heart may be having some health issues, there will be less blood going to those areas leading to numbness.
5. Pain in the neck, throat, upper abdomen or back.
Immediately you notice all of these signs, visit a doctor, even if it is not a heart disease, it is a dangerous illness that needs immediate attention….CLICK HERE TO READ MORE ARTICLE>>>