The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) has begun a rigorous capacity-building program targeting senior officials of the Machakos County government with the aim of improving transparency and accountability in the government.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

The anti-graft body launched the training on Wednesday morning at the invitation of Governor Wavinya Ndeti, who warned public officials against engaging in corrupt practices.

“Public coffers must not be interfered with. I have issued express instructions to the County Secretary to retrieve any documents from any office that may be required in a graft probe to nail those culpable,” said the Governor.

Wavinya lauded the EACC for launching the program in Machakos, terming it as a huge boost in the efforts to improve service delivery to the public.

Commissioner Colonel (Rtd.) Alfred Mtuweta expressed optimism that the partnership between the EACC and the County Government would yield positive results in the fight against corruption.

“At the EACC, we believe that prevention is better than cure, and we are here to work together to seal all loopholes in areas that are prone to corruption. This training is collaborative,” said Mtuweta.

He said the program will last one hundred days…CONTINUE READING>>

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