Five people are awaiting arraignment on Friday morning, July 19, after detectives from the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) arrested them in connection with a multi-million shilling graft case.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

The group was apprehended on Thursday and booked into the Kilimani Police Station for processing ahead of their court appearance.

How gov’t department lost KSh 450m

According to the anti-graft body, the suspects defrauded the Correctional Services Department within the Interior Ministry over KSh 450 million in a fraudulent tender in the 2016/17 and 2017/18 fiscal years.

The suspects, linked to seventeen companies, were to supply food and rations to various prison stations.

Among them was Eric Kipkirui Mutai, a cleaner at the department.

The agency established that Mutai owns seven of the aforesaid companies; his company received KSh 257 million from the loot.

Others arrested alongside Mutai are Sarah Kemunto Kerandi, chief finance officer in the department, Moses Juma Sirengo (principal accountant), Jack Nyariango Ogao (accountant) and Maureen Ndungwa (director of one of the companies).

The EACC said it was pursuing eight other suspects in the case, among them former deputy commissioner general of prisons Benjamin Njoga.

This would add to the multi-million shilling scandals the EACC has been pursuing.

Why NITA director was arrested

Last month, the anti-graft body went after Stephen Ogenga, the director general of the National Industrial Training Authority (NITA), who was linked to the KSh 28 million theft in the agency.

He was accused of irregularly awarding a KSh28.4 million tender for the supply and maintenance of sewing and training machines in the 2017/18 financial year.

Also caught in the dragnet was Ogenga’s wife, Elizabeth Achieng’, who strived to block the officers from picking up her husband from their residence in Nairobi’s Hazina Estate on June 1.

In Achieng’s case, whilst her husband’s charges were already outlined, the EACC spokesperson Eric Ngumbi told at the time that “appropriate action would be taken against her at the completion of the investigation into Ogenga’s conduct.”

Others nabbed by the anti-graft body’s detectives were Xponioocs Limited directors; James Waweru and Sheila Wambui Nyakinyua…CONTINUE READING>>

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