Former Defense Cabinet Secretary (CS) Aden Duale was on Friday, August 1, 2024, tasked to explain various tests undertaken during the recruitment of Kenya Defense Forces (KDF) officers.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Duale was appearing before the National Assembly Appointments Committee chaired by Speaker Moses Wetang’ula during his vetting as the Ministry of Environment Cabinet nominee.

Teso South Member of Parliament (MP), a member of the Appointments Committee, raised concerns on tests taken during the recruitment, further asking Duale to provide clarifications on the guidelines taken.

MP Mary Emase lamented that one of her constituents was dropped at the training center after a successful recruitment, with the KDF officers citing that his testicles were not equal.

“I was calling the Honorable CS to seek clarification with respect to the concerns that were raised by my constituents that those who were successful and had reported to the training camp were being chased away over flimsy reasons and I think I can quote, one of my constituents was told that his testicles are not equal that is why he’s being dismissed or returned from the training camp so,” lamented the MP.

The lawmaker was making the remarks while explaining why she had called Duale when he was the Defense CS, a call that the latter said he deliberately declined to pick.

MP Emase in her defense argued that she was seeking clarification from the former CS on what the guidelines for one to be recruited are, based on the fact that one of her constituents who had already reported for training was chased away.

Speaker Wetang’ula further asked the Duale to explain if having unbalanced testicles was considered as an ailment after he said that KDF recruitment involves medical examinations.

Former CS Duale had maintained that a number of people are sent away from the training centers because of medical ailments.

“Let me make it very clear that the grounds given for rejection of that recruit is valid. Next year if such a person comes, he will not be recruited into KDF. The recruitment of KDF is different from that of police. When the people are recruited at the sub-county level and come at the training centers a very serious medical check takes place,” said Duale,

At the same time, Duale revealed he intentionally declined to pick a call by MP Emase and many other people’s calls during his time as Defense CS over fears of being entangled in corruption.

Duale clarified that he refused to pick up the MP’s phone call as it had become a common practice among politicians to canvass on behalf of their constituents and friends to secure military slots.

“It’s because of the corruption. You wanted me to employ for you people and many Members of Parliament will agree with me when even they send me text, I said please go to the nearest subcounty recruitment center.

So, I’m very sorry Mary if I didn’t pick your I was scared you’ll ask me to recruit somebody for you,” added Duale.

Suna East MP Junet Mohamed while commenting on the matter backed Emaase’s comments claiming corruption during the recruitment of the KDF officers was a contentious issue that needed quick intervention...CONTINUE READING>>

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