Environment Cabinet Secretary nominee Aden Duale has commented on the change of mind on which docket he is to serve in the Cabinet.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

He said President William Ruto has the prerogative right to assign him another ministry.

He stated that the President can decide to reshuffle his Cabinet, if approved, or just leave it as it will be.

“Even after this and in the event this committee approves me and before even I’m appointed the President has a prerogative right to assign even another docket,” he said.

He spoke on Friday when he appeared before the Parliament Appointments Committee for vetting.

Duale was answering to a question posed by Likoni MP Mishi Mboko on why President Ruto took him out of the Ministry of Defence to the Environment docket.

He said he is ready to serve in any capacity that the President sees worthy.

“After all of us are approved, he might reshuffle and he might even take me back to defence or foreign affairs, or even gender or even youth affairs and sports. I am ready to serve in any capacity that the President deems it right,” he said.

Duale said his academic qualifications and experience in public service and private business make him the right candidate for the job.

“My academic qualifications, my experience as a Member of Parliament and as a leader in this country, the stint I had in the Ministry of Defence, my age, my role in private sector and business gives me the required testimonial,” he said.

Duale went on to say he also has had a clean record over the years.

He noted that he has at no point gone against Chapter Six and Article 75 of the Constitution of Kenya.

He added he has also not been indicted by any parliamentary report before and because of this, he is fit for the job.

“I have never been indicted in any report of Parliament, I have always had clearance from the criminal justice system, the EACC and DCI, I have never violated Chapter Six of the Constitution and Article 75 of the Constitution and I think I’m ready and willing to serve the people of Kenya,” Duale said...CONTINUE READING>>

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