Nanenane Protests took an unexpected turn when police officers arrested a suspected thief in the Kencom area. “We were just peacefully marching, chanting slogans and carrying our signs, when suddenly there was a commotion near the Kencom bus station,” said Mary Wangui, a university student participating in the protests.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

According to reports, the police had been monitoring the area for any potential criminal activity during the large gathering of protesters. They spotted a man who they believed to be a thief attempting to take advantage of the distracted crowd.

“The police officer suddenly grabbed the man and started to wrestle him to the ground,” Wangui continued. “The protesters nearby immediately surrounded the police, unsure of what was happening and concerned for the safety of the individual being apprehended.”

The confrontation between the police and the protesters quickly escalated, with both sides becoming increasingly agitated. Witnesses say that the police responded by firing tear gas canisters into the crowd, causing panic and chaos as demonstrators scrambled to escape the noxious fumes.

“It was absolute mayhem. People were running in all directions, coughing and choking from the tear gas,” said local resident, Juma Mwangi. “The police seemed to have lost control of the situation, and their actions only served to further inflame the protesters.”

As the situation continued to deteriorate, more law enforcement units were dispatched to the area to regain control. The arrested individual was eventually taken into custody, but the damage had already been done.

The incident has only added to the growing tensions between the government and the protesters, who have been demanding greater accountability, economic reforms, and improved living conditions for Kenyans.

“This is exactly the kind of heavy-handed response from the authorities that we’ve been protesting against,” said Wangui. “It’s a clear demonstration of the disconnect between the government and the people, and it only strengthens our resolve to continue fighting for change...CONTINUE READING>>

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