Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua now says that he regrets going against former President Uhuru Kenyatta during the 2022 election.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Speaking on Friday, Gachagua said that after telling the people of Mt Kenya that Raila Odinga, Uhuru’s candidate was a bad person, he now feels stupid.

This, he said, is after President William Ruto, who he asked the people to vote for changed tune and now says that Raila is a good man.

The Deputy President said he is apologetic to the Kenyatta family and so is the Mt Kenya community.

“Sometimes I feel bad that I was so brutal on a man who was my great friend, my confidant, brother and kinsman, and his crime was only one saying Raila is a good man and then the man I said we want, William Ruto comes and say the same thing. I felt very stupid.

“I really regret what I did, and my community does regret it, and we are apologetic to the Kenyatta family. In my community there’s a saying that making a mistake is not bad but repeating is unforgivable,” Gachagua said.

He went on to narrate an incident where a senior person, whom he did not mention called him stupid at the airport. He did not say which airport.

Gachagua added that after the incident and deep thinking later that day, he realised that the person was right.

He, however, noted that the Mt Kenya region has since made a resolution that going forward, they will never go against their own.

The DP said that a covenant is already in place, despite remaining cagey about where it happened.

He insisted that the people of the mountain don’t go around shouting their plans, but their moves are evident from the results of the 2022 general elections.

“In fact, the other day a very senior person abused me at the airport and called me stupid five times and I was very bitter. I looked at it later at night and I though he was probably right. I think I was stupid to fight my own brother, my confidant for no good reason.

“A decision has been made by the people of the mountain, it’s a covenant, never again shall the people of the mountain ever fight their own…CLICK HERE FOR MORE ARTICLE>>>

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