I see young girls making sure you live your life to the fullest before you enter a man’s house, all in the name of marriage. Marriage is not an achievement, but we are not ready for that topic. Honestly, I wish I had lived my life the way I wanted before getting married. I wish I had gone to the law school I wanted to go to. I wish I had taken those trips with my girls. I wish I had never gotten married early. In fact, I wish I wasn’t married.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Don’t get me wrong, I love my husband and my children, but I feel like I am living my life for them and I don’t have a life of my own. I got married at the age of 22 because then everybody just wanted to get married. It was like an achievement. If you were not married, you were seen as a bad egg. It was like a competition to see who would be the first person to get married after graduating from school, even though I only went to secondary school. Maybe I was in the wrong circle of friends because the friends you keep say a lot about you. They either shape you or break you.

After I left secondary school, most of my classmates got married, and the only thing on my mind was to get married too. Later, I found out that was the most stupid thing for me to ever do. I should have pursued my education. I should have lived my life. Maybe my mother would have been proud of me. My father would have been proud of me. My siblings would have been proud of me. In fact, I would have been proud of myself. But I rushed into marriage.

I see so many young girls of my age living their lives, enjoying traveling and experiencing the world. Meanwhile, here I am with three kids, still struggling to feed myself and take care of them because my husband is not rich. Maybe if my husband were rich, he would have funded all those things I want. I want to travel, to experience the world, to see the world from a different view. I can’t remember the last time I went to the salon because when would I have the time?

Is it when I wake up at 6 AM to get my kids ready for school? Or when I am cooking lunch for them so they will have something to eat when they come back from school? Or when I am running back to pick them up from school? Or when I am rushing to the market to get things to make something for my husband to eat when he comes back from work? There is no time for me. Even the little money I get from the small businesses that I do, I still invest it in my kids.

My husband no longer looks at me the way he did when we first got married. He hardly touches me, and I can’t remember the last time he even hugged me. I think he sees me as this woman in his house to take care of his children and warm his bed whenever he needs a warm body. I know he is cheating on me. I’ve seen his messages, but I can’t say anything because how would I take care of three children by myself?

I am still a young girl, even though conditions have made me look like I am over 60, but I am just 35 and my husband is 40. I used to be fair, but now I am dark because I’ve been suffering and not taking care of myself. I know one of the things that attracted my husband to me was my complexion. But now I’ve lost it because I am constantly under the sun with no proper skincare to maintain my skin.

My husband carries any type of woman he likes. In fact, he rubs it in my face because he knows I wouldn’t do anything and I wouldn’t leave. My mother warned me. She told me not to rush. She told me to take my time. She told me that what I was rushing into, I would get tired of it. She told me to wait a little longer. She told me to pursue my dreams. She told me to own my life, but I didn’t listen to her, and that is one of the things I regret the most.

So now I am stuck in this marriage, but I am putting out this story for any young girl that is planning to get married early. I am not saying that it might not work for some people, but before you go into marriage, make sure you live your life because life after marriage is different. Don’t be deceived by what you see online. Marriage is much deeper than what you have been told or shown online. Nobody shows you the bad side online; they only show you what they want you to see.

If you are a girl and you still have the mentality that you want to be in a man’s house as a full housewife, please don’t do that to yourself because you will regret it. Have your own money as a woman, have your career as a woman, build your empire…CONTINUE READING>>

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