One of the favorite topics discussed on the AM shock jock radio program to which I occasionally listen is how electric cars are just another example of how the liberals and their scientific accomplices continue to promote the fraudulent nonsense about global warming which we all know has absolutely no reality behind it at all.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Unfortunately, the alt-right noise machine is going to have to figure out how to begin promoting electric cars because their leader, a guy named Donald Trump, has just announced that he now favors electric cars, indeed, he has ‘no choice’ but to reverse himself on this issue after having been a promoter of gasoline-powered cars for years.

And why has Trump suddenly changed his mind and now is singing a different tune? Because he has just been
endorsed by Elon Musk who is promising to pump millions of dollars into the Trump campaign.

Whether any of the reported $45 million that has been cited as what Musk intends to donate to Trump has yet to appear remains in some doubt. At this point, other than a media notice here and there, Musk’s commitment to the Trump campaign may only consist of one vote.

But what Trump’s shift on the issue of electric versus gasoline-powered cars points up is that here’s a guy running to be President again who makes...CONTINUE READING>>

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