People know charcoal but don’t know that charcoal has a lot of benefits both physically and spiritually....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Incase you haven’t paid attention it’s time to do it

Do you have body odour make a powder and use cause it gets rid of odor

If your shoes smell drop a pieces of charcoal inside the shoe

If you suspect a food contains too much chemical put a drop of charcoal and it will absorb all the chemicals

Charcoal is known to absorb and if you have a wound that has refused to go then make a paste and apply on it the wound will dry off..

Charcoal stops the soup from getting sour taste..

Burning a charcoal with garlic absorbs bad energy .

If they are exchanging your money in your shop drop charcoal in your drawer it will stop...CONTINUE READING>>

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