They are one of the most poisonous animals in the world, and their sting can kill quickly if first aid isn’t given soon enough. Their small size makes it hard for people to see them, so they hide under leaves and sticks of the same color, or even dig a hole in the ground to wait for their prey.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

A scorpion sting is so dangerous that its venom can spread across the body through the blood stream and even cause your heart to stop. This means that you need to get medical help right away to avoid any death.

In order to get rid of scorpion stings, simple old or traditional remedies can be used. They don’t require a lot of technical skills or a lot of tools. A scorpion sting can be very painful, so let’s look at a few ways to help someone who has been stung.

Make sure the person’s blood pressure and heart rate are normal. You can do this by putting your hand on their chest, wrist, or throat to feel the pulse. As a second step, make a rope out of any cloth that you can find. If there is already a rope nearby, you don’t need to do this.

The rope should be tied tightly above the wound or where the scorpion stung. This will keep the venom from spreading to other parts of the body, which could cause internal bleeding or even death.

You can cut open the infected area with a razor blade or a piece of broken glass. If there isn’t a source of sterile water, use a cigarette lighter to heat up the broken bottle.

This will kill any germs that might be on the bottle. The venom looks like dark fluid mixed with clotted blood. It will flow out easily, but you can use your tongue to get it out. Make sure you don’t swallow the venom.

It’s best to gently scrub the open wound with an onion or lime to get rid of any venom that hasn’t been washed away. Lime juice can also be squirted on to the wound. This can be painful, so you need to be professional and comfort the person until you reach the clinic or the hospital….CONTINUE READING THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

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