Reports from verifiable sources allege that Kimilili MP Didmus Barasa has bribed Ford Kenya Party Leader Ksh 110 million to endorse him as the Bungoma County Ford Kenya candidate for the 2027 governor’s race.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Functionally illiterate, Didmus Barasa has deceived companies, falsely claimed to be a private captain in the military, and is currently on DCI’s wanted list for the murder of a young man during a political dispute in 2022.

Due to his poor performance as an MP, a national caretaker committee now oversees the operations of Kimilili CDF.

Recently, the MP bought a helicopter, which he uses to crisscross the county, drumming support for his political ambition.

With no identifiable business, Kenyans still wonder where he gets the huge sums of money he used to buy a helicopter, bribe party leaders, and induce rural voters.

Political analysts say if Didmus becomes Bungoma Governor, he will loot everything and leave it worse than how the current ineffectual Governor is messing with it.…CONTINUE READING>>

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