Oral intimacy, like any intimate activity, has potential risks and dangers. According to Healthline – Here are some of the most significant dangers of oral intimacy:...CONTINUE READING

Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs): Oral intimacy can transmit a variety of STIs, including herpes, gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis, human papillomavirus (HPV), and HIV. The risk of STI transmission can be reduced by using condoms or dental dams during oral intimacy.

HPV-Related Cancer: HPV can cause cancer of the mouth, throat, and tonsils. This risk can be reduced by getting vaccinated against HPV and practicing safe intimacy.

Allergic Reactions: Some people may be allergic to the proteins found in semen, which can lead to an allergic reaction during oral intimacy. Symptoms may include itching, swelling, and difficulty breathing.

Transmission of COVID-19: COVID-19 can be transmitted through respiratory droplets, so it is possible to contract the virus through oral intimacy. It is recommended to practice safe intimacy and get vaccinated against COVID-19.

Overall, the risks of oral intimacy can be minimized by using protection, communicating with your partner, and getting tested regularly for STIs.

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