Environment Cabinet Secretary Aden Duale has hosted a meeting of development partners in environment, climate change and forestry at a Nairobi hotel.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

The meeting, attended by representatives of 17 development partner institutions, seeks to appraise the government on the progress of various programmes they support.

The Ministry of Environment works closely with development partners in the implementation of Kenya’s broad climate action agenda as outlined in its 2023-2027 Strategic Plan, National Determined Contributions (NDC), 3rd National Climate Change Action Plan (NCCAP III) and National Landscape and Ecosystem Restoration Strategy among other blueprints.

Cabinet Secretary Aden Duale chairs a meeting of development partners in environment, climate change and forestry at a Nairobi hotel on August 23, 2024.

Guests at a meeting of development partners in environment, climate change and forestry at a Nairobi hotel on August 23, 2024.

Duale is keen to ensure that development partner-supported programmes in the sector are fully aligned with the Government’s Bottom-up Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA) which seeks to open up value chains for wealth and employment creation.

The Cabinet Secretary has been accompanied by Principal Secretaries Gitonga Mugambi (Forestry) and Festus Ng’eno (Environment and Climate Change), who co-chairs the development partners caucus with Daniel Guenther from the German Embassy.

Also present are senior officials from the ministry and its agencies led by the State Department for Environment and Climate Change Secretary for Administration John Elungata, NEMA Director General Mamo Mamo, Chief Conservator of Forests Alex Lemarkoko, NetFund CEO Samson Toniok and National Environmental Complaints Committee CEO Mary Njogu

Environment Cabinet Secretary Aden Duale arrives for a meeting of development partners in environment, climate change and forestry at a Nairobi hotel on August 23, 2024…CONTINUE READING>>

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