A court has made a shocking decision. a man accused of raping a madwoman can only be released from jail if he marries her. This ruling has caused a lot of anger and discussion.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

The man was caught raping a madwoman in a village. People who saw it called the police, and he was arrested.

During the trial, the judge said the man could only be released if he agreed to marry his victim. This decision is very unusual and has shocked many people.

Many people are upset, saying it’s wrong to force the victim to marry her rapist. Human rights groups have called the decision terrible and say it could make more crimes like this happen.

This case raises important questions: Is it fair to force someone to marry their attacker? What about the victim’s rights? Many people think this ruling is unfair and dangerous.

People are demanding that this case be reviewed and that laws be changed to protect victims better. They want justice for the woman and a fair trial for the man without making the victim suffer more…CONTINUE READING>>

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