Whether you’re frolicking with a new partner or the love of your life, getting rid of these three behaviors in the bedroom will make you happy both in and out of bed.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

1. Never turn the bedroom into a negative space. Many couples express their issues before bedtime, presumably because it is the best time for them to talk in private.

When you bring your anger and resentments into the bedroom, though, you turn it into a battleground. As the situation worsens, one partner may be forced to stop having romantic relationships as a result of the ongoing tension.

If you’re displeased with your companion, try negotiating in another room or wait until the next day. Sleeping angry once won’t break your relationship, but if you associate the bedroom with bad memories, your love life and the tie between you and your partner may be damaged. Learn the best ways to deal with rage to protect your health and your relationship.

2. Don’t assume you’ve got all the right moves. It’s difficult to know exactly what your lover want straight away. Everyone has their own preferences and interests. Learning about your partner’s preferences will help you establish a more gratifying physical and emotional bond, and communication is crucial in all aspects of a relationship.

3. Never fake it. When it comes to wrapping up a bedtime activity, honesty beats flattery every time. Use the anti-climax to your advantage by figuring out how to improve your partner’s bedtime performance.

Talk on what works and what doesn’t. If you’re worried that your partner is putting on a show for your sake, don’t be embarrassed. Even if you’re confident they’re lying, make it clear that you don’t expect them to have an epiphany moment all the time…CLICK HERE FOR MORE ARTICLE>>>

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