Former President the late Daniel Arap Moi’s grandson Collins Kibet has been sentenced to seven days in prison for contempt of court.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Kibet was arrested on Wednesday, September 18 in Ongata Rongai after a child support case was filed against him.

In a ruling delivered on Thursday evening, Nakuru Chief Magistrate Kipkurui Kibelion ordered that Kibet be remanded in Nakuru GK Prison for failing to comply with court orders to support his two children.

The Magistrate also ordered the complainant’s lawyers to calculate the outstanding amount Kibet should pay to support his children and serve it on the defense lawyers within three days.

The case will be mentioned on 26 September 2024 to confirm compliance.

Kibet was arrested after authorities searched for him for seven months without knowing his whereabouts. He went into hiding earlier this year after a warrant was issued for his arrest.

Kibet is accused of abandoning his children in 2012, leaving his co-parent Gladys Jeruto Tagi to shoulder the burden of raising them.

In February this year, the court heard that Jeruto was the one paying for the minors’ school fees, medical and entertainment expenses, which she said had caused her great distress and financial strain.

She further claimed to have spent a total of Ksh2.8 million on the children since June 2, 2022, when the court issued the order.

“Despite being aware of his parental responsibilities, the respondent has failed, neglected, ignored and refused to pay school fees and cater for school-related expenses together with the entertainment needs as ordered by the court, thus forcing the plaintiff to cater for those needs in addition to the responsibilities allocated to her,” she stated.

However, Kibet’s lawyer asked the court to give him more time to comply, saying he was facing significant financial challenges, as well as ongoing succession disputes over his father’s and grandfather’s properties…CLICK HERE FOR MORE ARTICLE>>>

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