Former United Democratic Alliance (UDA) party secretary general Cleophas Malala’s troubles seem to be far from over. The UDA party has moved to stop Malala from using the ruling party’s emblems and insignia for his personal gain. Through their lawyer, Adrian Kamotho Njenga, the ruling party accused Malala of unlawfully using the party’s logo.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

The party reminded Malala that under the law, the party’s accoutrements and trappings are part of UDA’s intellectual property portfolio.

“You have extended your drama spree to using official party emblems and insignia to your theatrical adventures. We take the liberty to remind you that all party accoutrements and trappings are part of UDA’s intellectual property portfolio, well registered and secured by, among others, Article 11 of the Constitution, the Industrial Property Act (Cap 509) and the Trade Marks Act, (Cap 506),” read letter in part.

The lawyer warned Malala to stop using the party’s property after leaving office, arguing that it would be his only way out of trouble.

“So that your tribulations do not escalate to monumental proportions, we are duly instructed to caution you to cease and desist from further unauthorized use of the official logo of the UDA or any other official party paraphernalia, while scripting your theatrics,” Kamotho warned.

However, Kamotho warned that they might be forced to take legal action against the former lawmaker.

“In the absence of such compliance, we have strict instructions to subject you to such legal anointing as necessary to enable you to appreciate the reason as to why he-goats scream at night,” concluded the letter.

As reported earlier, Malala called for the resignation of Kikuyu MP Kimani Ichung’wah and Embu governor Cecily Mbarire. Malala accused the pair of plotting his impeachment and immediate replacement by the former Mombasa senator. The former Kakamega senator claimed his close relationship with Gachagua was the main reason he was ousted…CONTINUE READING>>

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