Contrary to popular belief, extra body parts happen more frequently. Doctors refer to the extra appendages as supernumerary body parts, and both historical and contemporary celebrities have been known to have them.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Learn more about these individuals who had a spare hand at all times and were born with extra body parts (or finger or head). Start on the following page.

1: Anne Boleyn

It is generally accepted that Anne Boleyn, Henry VIII of England’s second wife, had 11 fingers and perhaps a third breast. It’s unlikely that she had an extra breast, but historians do think she did have an extra finger or at least a growth on her hand that resembled an extra finger.

Because having an extra breast was regarded as a sign of a witch during the Tudor era, this rumor might have been started by her enemies.

2: Antonio Alfonseca

Pitcher Antonio Alfonseca of the Major League Baseball claims that having six fingers on each hand doesn’t affect his pitching because he rarely touches the ball with them. The extra digit is frequently surgically removed soon after birth in the majority of polydactylism (extra fingers or toes) cases because it is either immobile or has only very limited mobility. One child out of every 500 has the condition, according to reports.

3: Mark Wahlberg

The third nipple on the actor Mark Wahlberg’s chest is on the left side. He thought about having it removed early in his career, but he eventually came to accept it. Although they are frequently mistaken for moles, supernumerary nipples are present in about 2% of women and slightly fewer men.

They can be anywhere between the armpit and the groin and can be as small as a lump (like Wahlberg’s) or as large as a small extra breast that is occasionally even able to produce milk.

4: An Indian man

A 24-year-old Indian man checked himself into a hospital in New Delhi in 2006 and requested that his extra genital be removed so that he could get married and have regular intercourse.

Doctors refused to reveal his or the hospital’s identities out of respect for his privacy, but they did confirm that the operation was performed. Only about 100 cases of the condition, also known as diphallia or penile duplication, have ever been recorded.

5: Rebeca Martinez

A baby with the medical condition craniopagus parasiticus is born with a parasitic twin head. This condition differs from conjoined twins in that the extra head does not have a functioning brain. The baby is actually born with its deceased twin’s head still attached to its body.

Only three of the eight documented cases have survived birth. There have only ever been eight known cases. One of them was Rebeca Martinez, who was born in the Dominican Republic in December 2003 and was the first child to have the second head surgically removed. After an 11-hour procedure, she passed away on February 7, 2004…CONTINUE READING THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

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