There are several reasons why people choose to avoid eating pork meat, including religious beliefs, personal values, and health concerns. Some of the specific reasons include:....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

1. Health risks

Pork meat can be a source of foodborne illnesses, such as trichinosis, salmonella, and E. coli, if it is not cooked properly. Consuming undercooked or raw pork can also increase the risk of exposure to parasites and tapeworms.

2. Ethical concerns

Some people choose to avoid eating pork due to concerns about the treatment of pigs in factory farming operations.

3. The Pig’s Problematic Digestive System

There are reasons that the meat of the pig becomes more saturated with toxins than many of its counterpart farm animals. The first reason has to do with the digestive system of a pig. A pig digests whatever it eats rather quickly, in up to about four hours. On the other hand, a cow takes a good 24 hours to digest what it’s eaten.

4. Pigs Harbor Common Viruses and Parasites

Pigs carry many viruses and parasites with them. Whether by coming in direct contact with them through farms or by eating their meat, we put ourselves at higher risk of getting one of these painful, often debilitating diseases (not to mention put our bodies on toxic overload)…CONTINUE READING>>

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