President William Ruto on Wednesday confirmed that new university admission calling letters will be issued after the state revoked previously issued letters due to misleading information regarding course costs.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Speaking during a development tour in Bomachoge Chache in Kisii County, Ruto assured the public that the government is taking measures to ease the financial burden on parents as they prepare to send their children to higher education institutions.

“As a government, we have increased funds to help in the education of our children in TVETs and universities,” President Ruto stated.

The Head of State further highlighted that the previous admission letters sent to students quoted exorbitant charges for courses, ranging from Ksh200,000 to Ksh300,000, which had caused concern among parents and students.

“I want to assure you that we are giving a new directive today because initially, the letters that our children received had expensive charges for courses ranging from Ksh200,000 to Ksh300,000. All those letters should be revoked, and from today, we will be sending new letters that show the amount of money parents are expected to pay,” Ruto declared.

Ruto emphasised that the government has substantially increased the funds allocated for higher education, boosting the budget from Ksh45 billion to Ksh82 billion. This increase in funding is intended to provide more financial support to students, reducing the financial strain on families.

“We have increased the money from Ksh45 billion to Ksh82 billion. The letters that were issued by our universities were misleading because they were talking about the cost of the courses. We want letters that had been issued earlier to be withdrawn and proper letters issued as to the amount of money the parent is supposed to pay and not the cost of the course,” he clarified.

In his address, President Ruto made it clear that the new directive is aimed at ensuring transparency and accuracy in the information provided to parents.

“I want to tell all parents in Kenya, the letters that you received from universities indicating the cost of the course your child was going to attend, those letters are misleading. We are going to instruct universities to issue new letters from today that will indicate how much a parent is to pay and not the cost of the course of their child,” he announced.

The directive is expected to bring relief to many parents who had been grappling with the high costs of university education as outlined in the initial admission letters. A section of Kenyans and education experts have complained that the education sector in the country is at its knees. They are accusing the government of introducing trial-and-error policies that are hurting the sensitive sector…CONTINUE READING>>

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