Senate Speaker Amason Kingi has convened a special sitting on Wednesday, August 14 to hear charges against Meru Governor Kawira Mwangaza.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

In a special gazette notice on Tuesday, August 13, Kingi said he had received a letter from the Speaker of the Meru County Assembly informing him of the approval of a motion for the removal of Governor Mwangaza from office by impeachment.

“I have appointed Wednesday, 14th August 2024 as a day for a special sitting of the Senate. The sitting shall be held in the Senate Chamber, Main Parliament Buildings, Nairobi, commencing at 2.30 p.m.

“The business to be transacted at the sitting shall be the hearing of the charges against Ms. Kawira Mwangaza, the Governor of Meru County. In accordance with standing order 33 (5) of the Senate Standing Orders, the business specified in this Notice shall be the only business before the Senate during the special sitting,” read the notice in part.

Speaker Kingi noted that after the special sitting, the Senate shall stand adjourned until Tuesday, September 3, 2024, at 2:30 p.m.

Governor Mwangaza was impeached on Thursday, August 8 after 49 out of 69 MCAs voted in favor of a motion seeking her removal from office while 17 voted no.

The Meru Governor is being accused of gross violations of the constitution, gross misconduct, and abuse of office.

This will be the third time the Senate will be hearing an Impeachment motion against Governor Mwangaza.

She was first impeached in December 2022 but was saved by the Senate on December 30, 2022.

Mwangaza was again impeached by the Meru MCAs on 26 October 2023, but the Senate again dismissed the charges against her…CONTINUE READING>>

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