In a bid to address Kenya’s deep-seated issues and establish a government rooted in integrity and service, the Jenga Mkenya Movement has launched its ambitious campaign.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

The movement, which unites both Kenyan citizens and the diaspora, is determined to counter the pervasive corruption, economic mismanagement, and institutional decay that have plagued the nation since independence.

Jenga Mkenya’s mission is clear: to create a people-centered government driven by constitutionalism, human dignity, and professionalism. The movement criticizes past administrations for failing to eradicate poverty, hunger, and disease, and for perpetuating corruption, debt, and tribalism.

The Movement’s Agenda

Jenga Mkenya is focused on two primary objectives: fighting against five major issues and building five key areas crucial for national development.

Issues to Combat:
Abuse of Office and Lawlessness:Addressing unchecked power and legal violations.

Hunger and Extreme Poverty:
Implementing measures to alleviate food insecurity and economic hardship.

Corruption and Economic Bleeding: Targeting corruption and financial mismanagement.

Careless Borrowing and Spending:
Curtailing irresponsible financial practices.

Key Areas to Develop:
A National Government of Integrity: Establishing a leadership committed to servant leadership, accountability, and transparency.

Food and Water Security:
Ensuring sustainable access to essential resources.

Free Education:
Providing education from primary to undergraduate levels at no cost.

Affordable Healthcare:
Expanding access to health services.

Economic Strength:
Promoting local production, industrialization, and digital innovation.

Path to Power

To bring about these changes, Jenga Mkenya plans to:

Identify and Equip Leaders:Select and prepare individuals of high character for leadership roles through a shadow government structure.

Revise Political Discourse:** Focus on substantive issues rather than traditional political tactics.

Build Alliances:** Collaborate with like-minded groups and individuals to strengthen their political influence.

Develop a Manifesto: Craft a comprehensive platform that aligns with the movement’s vision and goals.

Engage in Public Mobilization: Use various methods including rallies, media, and civic education to garner support.

Form Specialized Teams: Create teams and think tanks for specific campaign and governance tasks.

Establish a Political Party: Register or acquire a party to formalize the movement’s political efforts and increase negotiating power.

With these strategies, Jenga Mkenya aims to rejuvenate Kenya’s political landscape and create a future where governance truly serves its people…CONTINUE READING>>

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