President William Ruto has tasked former Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho, along with Salim Mvurya and Amason Kingi, with investigating and reporting on absentee landlords.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

This directive, delivered during Ruto’s recent visit to the coastal area, reflects his administration’s commitment to resolving land disputes that have plagued the region for years.

Land ownership and distribution have been contentious issues in Kenya’s coastal region for decades.

Large parcels of land are often owned by absentee landlords, leaving many local residents landless and struggling to secure a place to live and farm.

The problem has roots in historical land allocations during colonial times and subsequent land transactions that have not favored the local populace.

During his visit, President Ruto emphasized the urgency of addressing this issue. He highlighted the government’s allocation of Ksh1 billion to tackle the problem of absentee landlords this year.

The president’s plan involves identifying these landlords and finding solutions to redistribute the land more equitably among the local residents.

“Now I want to give three leaders an assignment,” Ruto stated. “We made an agreement with the coastal people that we are going to solve the land issue. This year we have set aside Ksh1 billion to sort out the issue of absentee landlords.”

President Ruto has entrusted Hassan Joho, Salim Mvurya, and Amason Kingi with the responsibility of conducting thorough investigations into land ownership in the coastal region.

Their task is to compile a comprehensive list of absentee landlords and provide this information to the president for further action.

Hassan Joho, known for his tenure as the Governor of Mombasa, brings a wealth of experience and local knowledge to this task.

His understanding of the region’s dynamics will be crucial in identifying the key players in the land issue. Salim Mvurya and Amason Kingi, both seasoned leaders with deep ties to the coastal community, will support Joho in this endeavor.

The allocation of Ksh1 billion to address the land issue underscores the government’s commitment to finding a lasting solution.

This funding will be used to facilitate the identification of absentee landlords, conduct necessary legal and administrative processes, and implement measures to ensure that the land is fairly distributed to the rightful owners.

President Ruto’s directive also includes provisions for setting up a task force to oversee the implementation of the land redistribution plan.

This task force will work closely with local authorities, community leaders, and other stakeholders to ensure that the process is transparent and fair.

The resolution of land issues in the coastal region is expected to have a significant positive impact on local communities.

By redistributing land more equitably, the government aims to empower residents, improve their living conditions, and promote economic development.

Access to land is a critical factor in ensuring food security, promoting sustainable agriculture, and reducing poverty…CONTINUE READING>>

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