President William Ruto has directed the Principal Secretary for Housing and Urban Development, Charles Hinga, to oversee the construction of dormitories at a new Kenya Medical Training College (KMTC) in Egetugi, Kisii County.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Speaking during a visit to Kisii County, President Ruto emphasised the government’s commitment to enhancing educational infrastructure, particularly in rural areas.

“I am directing PS Hinga to build hostels for the KMTC in Egetugi,” President Ruto announced amid cheers from the crowd.

The directive came as the construction of the KMTC in Egetugi, funded by the National Government Constituencies Development Fund (NG-CDF), nears completion.

The project has been spearheaded by the local Member of Parliament, who expressed his dedication to improving educational opportunities in the region.

“I am building a medical college using CDF, and I am almost done,” the MP stated, highlighting the progress made on the facility that is set to benefit the local community by providing accessible medical education.

The President’s directive to construct dormitories is expected to enhance the KMTC’s capacity to accommodate students from various parts of the country, ensuring that they have the necessary facilities to pursue their studies effectively.

This move aligns with the government’s broader agenda of decentralising education and improving access to specialized training in medical fields across Kenya.

Residents of Kisii County welcomed the President’s announcement, expressing optimism that the new KMTC will bring benefits to the area, including improved healthcare services and job creation.

President Ruto also announced the construction of a Ksh2 billion cancer treatment centre in the region expected to handle cases of the deadly disease in the country and the region.

The then Treasury Cabinet Secretary Henry Rotich said the establishment of the cancer centre in Kisii County would boost early detection of the disease and reduce the cost incurred by patients who have to travel to Kenyatta National Hospital and even abroad for the service.

“We shall continue to count on our development partners like the Saudi Fund and BADEA to improve our economy,” Rotich stated…CONTINUE READING>>

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